
L’objectiu primordial de l’article és oferir una nova trnascripció musical de la Cantiga de Santa Maria s’Alfons X, num. 161, Poder á Santa Maria á Sennor de piadade, on es fa referència a Morella. Atés que les edicions musicals existents tenen molts errors, imprecisions i ambigüitats, hem optat per oferir una nova transcripció en la qual s’han tingut en compte pels musicòlegs a l’hora de transcriure questes belles melodies: el Tractatus de musica de Lamberto i l’Ars cantus mensurabilis de Franco de Colònia.


The essential purpose of this article is to offer a new musical transcripction of the Cantiga de Santa Maria de Alfonso X, num 161, Poder á santa Maria á Sennor de piadade, in which there is a refference to the town of Morella. Provided that the existing musical editions present a lot of mistakes, lacks of precision and ambiguities, we have decided to offer a new transcripction in which we have considered the rules offered by two musical treatises that have not been considered so far by the musicologists when they transcribe these beautiful tunes: the Tractatus de musica de Lamberto and the Ars cantus mensurabilis by Franco de Colonia.

Miquel Ángel Picó Pascual

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